Legal opinion on the Integration & Development Fund

A screenshot of the title of the legal opinion "Integration and Development Fund". The European Union's refugee policy lacks a medium and long-term strategy that supports actors in the EU who are willing to receive and integrate refugees. This includes, in particular, local authorities, which have not yet been sufficiently recognised as independent actors. In order not to view the reception of refugees as a burden, but rather to utilise it as an opportunity for sustainable development, we propose that the EU should set up an independent "Integration and Development Fund". From this, municipalities that participate in a relocation programme for people seeking protection from Europe's external borders could receive direct funding for the reception and integration of refugees. Our proposal envisages that they would also receive the same amount of funding for their own municipal development projects. From the perspective of EU law, the first question that arises is whether the European Union is authorised under primary law to establish such a fund. The legal opinion examines precisely this question.
DATEApril 2021
AUTHORSina Fontana
FUNDERFriedrich Ebert Foundation Brussels

The European Union's refugee policy lacks a medium and long-term strategy that supports actors in the EU who are willing to accept and integrate refugees. This includes, in particular, the municipalities, which have not yet been sufficiently recognised as independent actors.

To optimise the Reception of refugees not as a burden, but rather as an opportunity for sustainable development, we propose that the EU develop an independent "Integration and development fund" is to be set up. This could be used by municipalities that participate in a relocation programme for people seeking protection from Europe's external borders, Direct funding for the reception and integration of refugees receive. Our proposal is that they also receive the same amount of funding for their own municipal development projects.

From the perspective of EU law, the first question that arises is whether the European Union has the competence to establish such a fund under primary law. The legal opinion examines precisely this question.