Checking implementation of transport climate policies

2023 is the year of the first global Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. With the threat of overshooting the 1.5°C limit looming ever larger, all countries need to raise their ambition to curb their emissions effectively, to a degree that is fair to their development status. The transport sector is one of the most important sectors to decarbonise, based on its high share of emissions in most of the countries. Here, ambition and implementation must go hand in hand as ambitious targets are not sufficient on their own -policies need to be implemented to keep the 2023 targets within reach. While there are many tools to assess the ambition of national targets and underlying policies, the Global Stocktake and therewith also implementation will benefit from assessments which provide concise, comprehensive and comparable assessment of the status of implementation.

The Berlin Governance Platform hosts the International Secretariat of Climate Transparency, together with Climate Analytics. Climate Transparency is a partnership of think tanks and civil society organisations from G20 countries aiming at driving implementation of climate policies through enhanced transparency. Their new tool, the Climate Policy Implementation Check has been designed to assess, rate, and monitor the implementation status of policies.

This project aims to promote information and experience sharing about the implementation of emission reduction policies in the transport sector between the European Union (EU) and Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. This is done in two steps: First, by evaluating ambitious transport decarbonisation policies in these countries with the Climate Policy Implementation Check along for categories: legal status, institutions & governance, resourcing, and oversight. Second, by bringing together representatives from civil society and government in a joint workshop to share assessments and identify learnings as well as recommendations going forward.

This activity is part of the European Union Climate Dialogues Project (EUCDs).




Florian Mersmann, Sebastian Wegner, Zeina Abbas


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