Photo of team member Giulia Fellin from the Migration department

Giulia Fellin


Giulia Fellin has been leading various projects on migration and municipal reception at the Berlin Governance Platform since 2021, including the project "Municipal Reception of Refugees in Europe as Municipal Development" and the project "Re:Match", which is piloting an innovative model for a needs-based and individualised distribution of protection seekers in Europe.

Giulia studied International Relations and Political Science at the Free University of Berlin and at the University of Bologna in Italy. She has extensive experience in human rights and networking work and in the development of advocacy strategies.

She previously worked as the coordinator of the Central America Round Table, a network of around 40 non-governmental organisations, church aid organisations, foundations, associations and initiatives working on development policy issues in Central America. The Round Table Central America was founded in 2014 with the intention of raising awareness of the situation and problems in Central American countries among the German-speaking public. The focus is on the human rights situation in the region.


+49 (0) 30 20649508
Giulia Fellin