

Municipalities can do it! In favour of an initiative that combines integration and development in refugee policy

Cities and municipalities are not only key players when it comes to providing protection, integration and social cohesion, they are also centres for business and development. At the same time, they must find effective local solutions to the effects of transnational challenges and thus make an important contribution to solving global problems.

Project conclusion: Interim review of the guidelines for participation of the state-owned companies

In 2017, guidelines for good participation in housing construction were developed in a project between the state-owned housing associations and the non-profit HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform. Since then, the state-owned companies have been applying the guidelines for participation and have gained initial experience. In a further project phase in 2019/2020, an initial assessment has now been made
From the Sea to the City - Migration - Publication Announcement As part of the From the Sea to the City consortium, we are very pleased to publish our first joint publication with key recommendations and best practices in the field of European migration. The recommendations are addressed to EU representatives, mayors, representatives of municipalities and civil society.

New publication: Ideas and best practices for a human rights-based European migration policy

As part of the From the See to the City consortium, we are very pleased to publish our first joint publication with key recommendations and best practices in the field of European migration. The recommendations are aimed at EU representatives, mayors, local authority representatives and civil society.

Film off! The partner city energy transition project says goodbye for the time being with a final video about the two-year cooperation

Municipalities play a key role in the European energy transition: this is where a large part of European legislation is implemented, where renewable energy plants are built and where direct contact with citizens takes place, without whose acceptance and participation the energy transition is not feasible.

Multi-stakeholder dialogue on housing supply in cities

The tight housing market is a real problem in many cities, especially in cities with a high proportion of tenants such as Berlin. 13 representatives from politics & administration, business and organised civil society came together digitally on 18 December 2020 to discuss the role of private housing companies in providing socially acceptable and climate-friendly housing in cities.
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