Social Actors Project - What is the stake of socio-political actors in the climate-policy agenda in Germany?

The implementation of the socio-ecological transformation has arrived in society. Almost everyone would agree that climate protection is an important issue. However, the debate about what exactly this should look like is heated ("heating hammer", speed limit, climate money, ...).

The Social Actors Project asks what role socio-political actors such as trade unions, social and welfare organisations, church organisations, environmental associations and the climate movement play and could play in the current climate policy debate. In this project, which is funded by the Allianz Foundation, we have examined this question and collated opinions, experiences, success stories and failures.

As part of this project, we conducted over 30 interviews with representatives of major civil society players. We also asked people from foundations and networks as well as academics for their opinions.

Socio-political actors in Germany are increasingly working together to advance the socio-ecological transformation. We are exploring the opportunities offered by these alliances and alliances in order to provide advice and positive examples. In a first workshop in June, we discussed a topic that was raised prominently in almost all of the interviews: the tension between headquarters and the member base or employees. The aim of the workshop was to provide participants with inspiration for their day-to-day work, offer networking opportunities with other stakeholders and exchange tips. 

All the results of the project are available in our Final report summarised!

DURATIONJanuary 2023 - August 2023 (8 months)
TEAMGerd Leipold, Julia Horn

Some voices from participants in the panel discussion

The assessment of climate money was exciting, and we were able to take something away with us for our own position finding.

Representative of a trade union

This has strengthened my resolve to fight harder to communicate socio-ecological issues at the highest level.

Sustainability officer of a charitable organisation

In particular, I will integrate the suggestions from the climate money into my work, as it touches on our core competence - social justice. I would be very happy to be involved if a joint commitment by the organisations were to be initiated in the future.

Member of the AWO Federal Youth Organisation

The workshop gave me new contacts with relevant stakeholders and, in particular, made the views of trade unions and welfare organisations more understandable. Both are very helpful for me.

Representative of a large social organisation

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